首页 > MOSFET > FDMC7678-L701


型号: FDMC7678-L701 厂家: ON/安森美
封装: Power 33 (u8FL) 系列: MOSFET
描述: N-Channel PowerTrench® MOSFET 30V, 19.5A, 5.3mΩ
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Product (WPN) FDMC7678
OPN FDMC7678-L701
厂商 ON/安森美
Price 0.34
Description N-Channel PowerTrench? MOSFET 30V, 19.5A, 5.3mΩ
Channel Polarity N-Channel
Technology Silicon
V(BR)DSS Min (V) 30
MOSFET Type Low-Medium Voltage
Gate Level Standard
Silicon Family PowerTrench? T1
Configuration Single
Package Type Power 33 (u8FL)
Qualification Standard
AEC Qualified False
PPAP Capable False
Halide Free True
Lead Free True
Status Active


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